Shakespeare's vocabulary was approximately five times more vast than the average person, you see- and with a wider range of words, comes a broader selection of 'swears'! The language Shakespeare used may be archaic, but man, is it eloquent! Using his style will not only confuse your assailant, but will leave you chuckling with glee, hee hee!
I know what you're thinking. "Oh miss, won't you teach us good folk this glorious art you speak of?" Why, yes. Yes, I will. I'll give a list of interesting, witty words you can use at your disposal first, and then delve into the pairings and structure of insults and their phrases! :D
All you have to do is match up three different words/phrases from the separate columns, and BAM! You've got brand spanking new ammo for your next verbal battle.
Column I Column II Column III
artless bat-fowling apple-john
beslubbering beef-witted baggage
churlish clapper-clawed boar-pig
clouted common-kissing canker-bloom
craven dizzy-eyed clotpole
dankish doghearted coxcomb
fawning earth-vexing codpiece
gleeking flap-mouthed dew-berry
gorbellied folly-fallen flap-dragon
infectious fool-born flirt-gill
mammering guts-griping foot-licker
mewling hell-hated giglet
qualling ill-breeding gudgeon
roguish milk-livered harpy
saucy motley-minded horn-beast
tottering plume-plucked hugger-mugger
venomed pox-marked lewdster
wayward spur-galled lout
swag-bellied mammet
Well, I hope you've had fun plucking out your own special insult!! Now go give that especially loud young man in the theatre a piece of your mind!
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